Hi Coach,
It's summer...and now you have time for:
- Friends and family
- Work around the house
- Rest and relaxation
- To study new concepts
I am
pretty sure I can't help you with the first three items...but when it comes to studying the game I just might have some resources for you.
In my opinion, there is no better use of your time than studying the concepts found in the Princeton Offense and this is a great resource.
Mastering the Princeton Offense Bundle
This offense has seen a resurgence in recent years as college programs
around the country have seen the benefits of its spacing, timing, and utilization of skilled players.
Here are just a few of the teams around the country that run elements of the Princeton Offense:
- Richmond University (A-10)
- Georgia Tech (ACC)
- Campbell (Big South)
- Loyola Chicago (Missouri Valley
- San Francisco (West Coast Conference)
- Drake (Missouri Valley)
- Loyola MD (Patriot)
Why is the Princeton Offense so effective?
(1) Gives Your Team Great Spacing
The Princeton System lifts the 5 man away from the rim to open up space for cuts and drives to the basket. In the Princeton the 5 man operates from the elbows and top of the key.
(2) Maximizes Your Personnel
The beauty of the Princeton Offense is
that every perimeter player is truly “positionless”. Within this structure you can easily run PNR for some of your best players. Each action and perimeter position can be easily exchanged or interchanged depending on the matchup/personnel on the floor. You don’t need to waste time “getting the right spots” because each piece of the puzzle fits together on every single possession.
(3) The Perfect System
for the Modern Game
The Princeton is built to take and make a lot of threes and run a lot of pick and rolls. The spacing of 4 perimeter players makes this the ideal offense for multiple floor spacers. Drive and kick opportunities are everywhere within this style of play. As offensive action from cuts to the paint, drives to the lane, or rolls to the rim (by the 5 man) forces the defense to collapse, your perimeter shooters will get
wide open shots all night long.
There are 7 basic actions that make up the Princeton
System, they are:
- Rod 1 (point series)
- Rod 2
- Reel
- Wedge
- Chest
- Chin
- 5-Out
These actions make up 90% of the Princeton system and are used interchangeably.
When you master these actions you can Master the Princeton Offense.
My friend Quinn McDowell spent the 9-12 months refining and building his Mastering the Princeton Offense Online Course. Its nearly 3 hours in length and contains over 90 video clips
He does a great job of breaking down these basic actions and his course will make Mastering the Princeton Offense much easier.
The coursre includes:
- Best Selling Princeton Offense Playbook (45+pages)
- Tons of Live-Play
Video Examples
- Learn the Basic Actions + Quick Hitters
- Whiteboard Sessions
- Breakdown Practice and Shooting Drills
Normally the course alone costs $99 and that is a great value.
But this week he is adding incredible BONUS playbooks to his course
Mastering the Princeton Offense Bundle
For THIS WEEK ONLY everyone who orders the course will get 5 of his best-selling playbooks for FREE.
(Nearly $100 of free resources)
Playbook #1: The Ultimate Ball Screen Continuity (normally $19.99)
Ball screen offenses have skyrocketed
in popularity in the last 10+ years! Use this playbook to give your player a simple structure that will destroy opposing defenses.
Playbook #2: ATO Quick Hitters Video Playbook (normally $29)
This is the ultimate guide to calling that perfect play!!! Don't struggle with limited options, or bland play calling.
Use this library of over 100+ sets for a variety of situations to help you put your players in the right situation.
In addition, you'll get live video examples with each play diagram so you can see the play in action.
Playbook #3- The 5 Secrets of NBA Shooters - Ebook (normally $9.99)
Learn the specific tips, drills, and mental exercises to take your shooting to the next level.
Get case studies that outline exactly how great shooters like Ray Allen, Steph Curry, Larry Bird, and Kyle Korver
have become the best shooters in the NBA
Playbook #4 - Michigan
Wolverines Playbook 2020-2021 (normally $9.99)
A full breakdown of the 20-21' Michigan
Wolverine's Offensive Playbook.
Sections include:
1. Early
2. Half-Court Offense
3. Special
Playbook #5 - Build Your Own Basketball Skill
Workout (normally 29.99)
Get everything you need to build your own basketball workout!
Stop relying on time-consuming videos or expensive trainers.
Choose from college level drills and design your own workout based on the three primary areas of skill development:
1. Footwork
2. Ball-Handling / Moves / Finishing
3. Shooting
This is an incredible value...oneof the very best that we offer.
The Mastering the Princeton Offense Online Course is well worth the $99, but if you purchase right now he is adding the other playbooks for FREE.
You pay only $99 for the Mastering the Princeton Offense Course and the 5 playbooks.
Click the link below to learn more about the Mastering Princeton Offense Course and the 5 BONUS Playbooks (you can click on each individual course/playbook for even more detail)
Mastering the Princeton Offense Bundle
Talk to you soon,
The Coaching Toolbox