Hi Coach,
Yesterday I brought up some of the frustrations of playing against zone defenses.
First, there are the different zone defenses themselves…
Second, their are different styles (Pressure, Pack, Blitz & Trap, Junk, etc)
Third, take into account different personnel of different talent imposing these onto you and your players.
That is a TON to prepare for…
Now here is the thing.
If you see 80% zone all season long… you’re good… you have time… and you will gain experience facing all of these and your players will be prepared.
But if you see a lower percentage of zones per season… simplifying your strategy and still being extremely efficient is necessary!
Coach John Wheeler is a Princeton Offense Coach and he is one of the very best in the business when it comes to working with coaches like you.
No matter what you think of The Princeton Offense this is true… the guys that run this offense think differently, and outside of the box quite often.
This Thursday at 9:00 PM EST Coach Wheeler will be hosting a FREE Training on what he does to Zone Defenses… and how he picks them apart.
CLICK HERE to sign up… If you can’t make it LIVE… he did confirm today that he will record it an have a replay…
BUT YOU MUST Sign up HERE so he knows you want the replay!
Talk to you soon,
Brian Williams
The Coaching Toolbox