Hi Coach,
You gotta see this:
30 Day COACHES Workout Challenge
If you’re on my list, it’s fair to assume you're a motivated coach...
But life happens to us.
Our family is a big time commitment, and so is our work.
Sometimes we spend so much time taking care of other people, inspiring them,
motivating them to be best versions of themselves that we can forget to motivate ourselves... root for ourselves... push ourselves.
Because the truth is...
We can't give to others that which we do not have ourselves. And if our life force is slowly being drained, how much more can we give?
You wouldn’t be in this profession if you didn’t have the love for practice,
games, preparation, and insatiable desire to better today than you did yesterday.
We want to harness and ignite that desire that is buried deep within you but ready to bust wide open!
If you are a coach looking to play with your daughter, live a more active lifestyle, bench press 315 again, lose midsection fat, or just look and feel better...
this is the ideal next step:
30-Day COACHES Workout Challenge
The 30 Day Challenge is designed to give you rapid results, in the shortest amount of time possible.
The Challenge is set to begin Jan 8.
Check it out...
to you soon,
Brian Williams
The Coaching Toolbox
P.S - Take a look at the testimonial below... It's the reason we offer this program!
“Coach, you have made the biggest change in my life in the last 3 years. I can’t wait to go
home now to play with my daughter and actively be a part of her life.” Coach Doyle