Hi Coach!
Offense gets all the attention.
Players want to play it.
Coaches want to coach it.
Everyone wants to score.
When you watch the game today it is obvious why the interest is near exponential.
BUT… There are some offensive horror stories if you aren’t careful.
Not every coach finds the offense that matches their philosophy right away… some take years to find their footing.
Rarely do coaches discover that their personality and philosophy of the game are actually holding them back along with the players they coach.
The Hard Truth is not every offense (the way it is designed) is right for every group of players or coach.
You may have an aggressive or conservative philosophy… but the hand you are dealt will never beat the dealer if the dealer has better
Maybe not the best analogy but you get the point.
If I want to run and gun… but
every other team in my league have more athletic and talented players…
They will beat me at that game every single night.
So I have to have the right fit of Strategy & Offense together meaning I might have to adjust my philosophy to match.
If you’re looking for a new offense this off-season…
Or if you are just studying the game this is exactly what you need.
CLICK HERE and sign up for The One Offense Away Challenge
Coach John Wheeler from Hoops In Detail is going to break down 21 Offenses in 21 Days.
Motion Offenses, Continuity Offenses, System Offenses, Set Play Offenses.
There is something for
everyone and it's absolutley 100% Free
HERE and sign up NOW… The Challenge begins next Monday, March 11th.
Talk to you soon,
Brian Williams
The Coaching Toolbox
P.S. Forward this email to any coach on your staff or in your program that you feel would benefit from being exposed to multiple offenses and how to apply them to their players and competition.