Hi Coach,
Today is Day 5 of The One Defense Away Challenge…
If you missed the first 4 days here is a recap of
what we have covered:
- Day 1 - Straight Up Man to Man
- Day 2 - No Middle
- Day 3 - Pack Line
- Day 4 - Switching Man
For Day 5 in his series of 21 Defenses in 21 Days Coach John Wheeler features the Matchup Zone
If you like being different… If you like adding an element of confusion to the game…
You’ll going to love The Matchup Zone Defense.
We are in the middle of week 1 of The One Defense Away Challenge (Free Challenge) and everything so far has been Man to Man.
So why are wet talking about the Matchup Zone
in the Man to Man Week?
It’s because of the “Matchup” part.
I know there are a lot of
different perspectives of The Matchup Zone…
Coach Wheeler’s perspective is to pair The Matchup Zone with The Man to Man Defense of your choice.
So you have a solid foundation of the “Matchup” portion of the defense…
Because that is the beauty when paired with the “Zone”
Offenses will wonder if you are in man or zone…
And you will be able to seamlessly switch from Matchup to Man to Man… and the level of confusion you will be able to enforce on your
opponents could be staggering.
If you’d like to see Coach Wheeler break this all down… How he unsuccessfully attempted to install it early in the season… go away from it… re-group and after he came back with a better plan…
His program ended that season 7-3 and it inspired his players especially on the defensive end.
Click Here and Register… It’s FREE! Replays of each Defense are up for 3 days after they drop.
I think the first couple are even
being extended as replays so get in NOW!
See you there,
Brian Williams
The Coaching Toolbox